A GitHub release will be created based on the current commit,
tagged and named according to the name
and version
of the dpkg.
The dpkg description
is used for the release body.
environment variable must be set and the working directory
must be inside of a git repository with a GitHub remote.
The GitHub release will not be set to the latest release in order to prevent
problems with other automated actions that rely on the latest release, like
R universe or remotes "*release"
syntax or other GitHub actions.
Release tags are required to be unique, so this will fail if a release with the same name and version already exists.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
version = "", title = "Foofy Cars",
homepage = "https://github.com/cole-brokamp/dpkg",
description =
paste("# Foofy Cars\n",
"This is a test for the [dpkg](https://github.com/cole-brokamp/dpkg) package.",
collapse = "\n"
draft = FALSE
} # }
#> created release at: https://github.com/cole-brokamp/dpkg/releases/tag/mtcars-v0.0.0.9001